Discover the best videos on the internet.
On Diamondvideos, you'll find quirky, informative, and creative videos, sorted by visual intensity and diversity. Just chill and explore.
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7 Diamonds
The videos are rated by intensity. The more diamonds a video has, the more intense and diverse it is. Videos can have 1 to 7 diamonds.

The diamond scale
1 Diamond means 'Above Average,' so the scale starts where interesting videos begin. 7 Diamonds mean 'Outstanding,' and the rest are distributed among the diamonds in between. On Diamondvideos, there are no average videos like Let's Plays, politics, video blogs, or reaction videos.

Organised by category
The videos are categorised into music, animation, animals, world, comedy, sport and clips. If you are only interested in one category, you can select this category above.

So here you will find
✔ Collection of the best internet videos
✔ The best and most elaborate music videos
✔ Impressive sports videos
✔ The best videos from
✔ Trippy and surreal animation videos
✔ The best videos from
✔ The opportunity to understand the life and behavior of animals through countless animal videos

Surreale Videos
You will also find the largest collection of surreal and trippy videos here. There are videos here that everyone already knows and also previously unknown treasures. These videos can almost always be found in the animation and music categories and are often rated 5 to 7 diamonds.

What intensity means
Intense videos are intense visually, in terms of sound, atmosphere, effect or story, or all of these.

An intense video, for example,
✔ very good animations
✔ a very catchy song or sound
✔ a gripping short story
✔ trippy scenes
✔ new, interesting insights into life and our world

Random mode
With the random mode, you travel through all videos at random. Discover previously unknown and interesting videos from all categories in short clips. You can also select individual categories or filter the videos by diamonds.

The 1 or 2 mode
Mode 1 or 2: You see 2 descriptions of video scenes. You decide which one you want to see and click on it. The other video will remain a secret. After the scene, you have the next random selection of 2 video scenes.
You also see how the other viewers have decided.
➔ 1 oder 2 Modus

Submit your own videos
Have you found interesting or wacky videos on YouTube? Submit them to us and we will check the video to see if it enriches our video page. So you can have a say in what Diamondvideos will be like for everyone.

Video of the day
The video of the day is one of the highlights of all videos or simply particularly unique. A different video is displayed here every day.
Diamond videos on the Learnaxy blog
Quirky video collections, plenty of background information, intriguing video topics, insights into life and the world. You'll find that on our Learnaxy blog 🏆🌴.